Stir into Flame

Fire once flame

Enkindled by the Spirit,


Embers still aglow,

Await a new Wind,

And a prayer,

Sent on the breath

Of the will,

Catalyst and fuel.


O Spirit blaze again

To the heavens,

Sending heat and light

To ignite those cold, 

World-weary and, now, ready.


Then will the sparks fly

And the earth shake.

Lord Jesus, send forth Your Spirit,

We are athirst and longing.


©2012 Joann Nelander


I held the ocean to my ear.
I heard it speak with peaceful roar,
And, hearing, I went off,
Leaving on the shore,
The secret of His presence,
But not forgetting,
What He had said,
In that moment of Eternity,
Which is forever
Yet, not of Time.

© 2012 Joann Nelander

Refuge of Sinners

Refuge of Sinners

I sit in the sunshine of Your New Day.
Forgiveness has washed over me.
At Your Word,
Mercy has rained upon Your Beloved.

Hear now, You say to me:
You are safe, My little one.
You have chosen to hide yourself
In the Wound of My Sacred Heart.

The world about is cold and unholy,
Yet you are surrounded by angels of Light.
Warm and welcoming is the Living Flesh
That is your constant refuge.

I enfold you,
As you have  made My Body,
Your Food, Your Heart,
My own.

Copyright 2014 Joann Nelander