Power Hungry and Out of Balance

Ace of Spades calls it a good piece:

Charles Krauthammer can’t write fast enough to keep up with all the crap he can’t believe is happening. “We are now so deep into government intervention that constitutional objections are summarily swept aside.” Seizing every opportunity to seize, seize, seize power for the government from the people, Geithner “seeks yet broader powers.”

Obama’s goal, writes Krauthammer,

“is to rewrite the American social compact, to recast the relationship between government and citizen. He wants government to narrow the nation’s income and anxiety gaps. Soak the rich for reasons of revenue and justice. Nationalize health care and federalize education to grant all citizens of all classes the freedom from anxiety about health care and college that the rich enjoy. And fund this vast new social safety net through the cash cow of a disguised carbon tax.

Our President seems naive about the goodness and fairness of Big Government.  Our founders  were not so naive about the weakness of men and statesmen, hence checks and balances.  The present disproportionate numbers in the Congress of Republicans to Democrats cripples that system.  We are off kilter and in trouble.

While Capitalism needs corrective checks and balances, with a heavy dose of scrutiny, to cure it’s ills, Big Government isn’t the one to take over for the patient. Share holders are more invested and intuitive than this generation of gobbling government bureaucrats.  We can’t trust our lawmakers to steer clear of side line profit-making or taking as the scandalous last years have shown. (You know the names.)

President Obama’s medicine is to level field by cutting the growth producers in this nation off at the knees.  Good luck Mr. President a crippled America will not fill your coffers for the Big Dole.

Wishing Financial Stability

Glenn Reynolds, the InstaPundit says, “Heckuva job, Timmy.”

He’s a Go-To-Guy, our Tim Geithner.  A quick trip to his promised site and his promised transparency will yield you one thing…..Nada!  He promises the same for U.S.A.What are the chances???   …..Empty promises or wishful thinking?

Financial Stability.gov

This site is coming soon.

Lack Luster Falling Star

The indispensable man? Not?!

I do feel sorry for Geithner under the gun and over estimated.

Michelle Malkin isn’t surprised that Timothy Geithner, newish Treasury Secretary is flailing about:  here:

“With an awkward first television appearance, a bank rescue plan that lacked promised specifics and two restructured bailouts that raised taxpayer risk, Geithner has failed to calm financial markets desperate for answers.”