Who Holds Their History?

In “Keepers of History,” Joanna Lotta  asks the question: Who holds your history?  Lotta describes the “griots” who have amazing memories and whose role it is within their West African society to recite long histories and genealogies as well as songs of praise.

We can ask this question of our own lives.  When we came into this world, we already possessed a history; one going back in time to all our fore-bearers.  We held recorded in our genes, if not our memories, our mother and our father, our grandparents and great grand-parents; add to that as many greats as it takes to take us back to the very beginning of human beginnings. Even for one so small as each of us was in our zygotic beginnings, that’s a weighty argument for the worth of our being.  From the beginning, you and I are not a nothing, nor a nobody, nor a blob of substance.  Each of us is one in the line of the order of Adam called into existence by the breathe of God and cooperation of our human nature.

So now, for the unborn, I ask, “Who holds their history?” Further, I ask, “Who holds their destiny?”  Will industries such as Planned Parenthood, abortion mills, research institutes, and unethical fertilization plants, manipulate the Present and the Future by abrogating our mortal and moral Past. Our souls, as well as our genes, tell a story; one that will be sung one day before our Creator as a song of praise or profanation. Eternity waits on an answer.

Lack Luster Falling Star

The indispensable man? Not?!

I do feel sorry for Geithner under the gun and over estimated.

Michelle Malkin isn’t surprised that Timothy Geithner, newish Treasury Secretary is flailing about:  here:

“With an awkward first television appearance, a bank rescue plan that lacked promised specifics and two restructured bailouts that raised taxpayer risk, Geithner has failed to calm financial markets desperate for answers.”

Lenten Reading Plan – Day 9 – Mar 6

crucificionicon12Day 9  Church Fathers Lenten Reading Plan 3/5/09

St. Ignatius of Antioch: Letter To the Philadelphians: complete

Day 9 Lite Version

St. Justin Martyr: First Apology: 1-7

Compilation of Lenten readings

Printer-Friendly Version of Outline: Church Fathers Lenten Reading Plan PDF

Liar, Liar

Neely Tucker writes in the Washington Post: “Science is closing in on humanoids and their seedy necessity to lie about almost everything, but don’t worry. We’ve had tens of thousands of years of practice at it, and until you stick your head inside a machine that plays with the protons in your brain so that it can film the neurons firing in your pre-frontal cortex, you can probably get away with it.”

Tucker quotes Maureen O’Sullivan, a professor of psychology at the University of San Francisco, who says, as most of us would, “I want things to be nice.” And this is the problem, she notes: Things are often not nice, and yet people who should know better ignore or look past the unpleasantness of the facts to see a happier version of reality to keep things, you know, nice.”

I say, all this sounds like the state of the nation, swallowing lie after lie, looking for sunshine on a cloudy day.

From the Anchoress  for a laugh here’s some of our politicians and then this: